DCPU-16 Simulator and Assembler



So Notch is launching a new game called 0x10c and it is a space exploration game. It would be an understatement that I am totally thrilled about that development. A classical game along the lines of elite with a modern cote of paint, is just what we need. Especially from the financially independent developer Mojang.

One of the twist about it all is that the game features a freely programmable 16 Bit CPU. Since I had not dabbled in compiler and interpreter development for a while, I was thrilled to take up the challenge and develop a assembler and simulator. As an added challenge I decided to only a plain text editor and vanilla C.

DCPU-16 Specification

The DCPU-16 is the aforementioned CPU. Notch wrote a specification that can be found at http://0x10c.com/doc/dcpu-16.txt. The specification is kind of sketchy, but what do you expect; it is a game. (I would probably not write more in the same situation.)

The basic outline of the CPU can be summarized as:

The CPU knows 15 "basic" instructions:

And so far one "extended" instruction:

Gaps In the Specification

As I mentioned earlier, this is not the Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer Manuals and so there are some unspecified issues.

Processor Architecture

The most important issue that is not specified is what basic architecture the CPU has. There are two different CPU common architectures, the basic differences relate to how the handle data and the program.

The Harvard architecture has two memory areas, the instruction memory and the data memory. As a result you have the full amount of RAM for program data, but on the other hand it is impossible or hard for the CPU to change the running program.

The von Neumann architecture uses one block of RAM and thus intermixes instructions and data. This has the advantage that operating systems can quite flexibly change the program data, such as load new ones and remove old ones. The downside is that when writing the program you need to know where free memory is. The commonly used PC architecture IA-32 and IA-64 is a von Neumann architecture.

From the example program and the documentation, I deduced that the DCPU-16 is a von Neumann architecture. But that might be wrong.

CPU Initialisation

It is unclear what the CPU guarantees for an initial state. Is every thing zero or undefined. The only obvious things are that PC is zero and SP is 0xFFFF. The RAM and the other registers are initialized to 0x0000.


What rules are applied when registers overflow? It is somehow hinted that the normal registers will set O the modulo rule is applied.

But more interestingly how is overflow on PC and SP handled? For PC and SP I assumed the following rule:

RAM Access out of Range

What happens if RAM is accessed outside of the valid range? Does the CPU trap or is the value silently wrapped? I implemented a CPU trap for that.


The NOOP instruction is not defined. I simply assumed NOOP to match 0x0000, so that the CPU does not trap when going over empty memory.


You can grab the source code, that I released under MIT licence, at my d16 github repository. But if you are lazy, you can also grab the binaries for Windows.

The first issue that I had to overcome was scanning the input. I decided to take a shortcut here and simply use a flex scanner. Writing a simple parser by hand is manageable, but a scanner borders on insanity or inefficiency. The scanner can be found in scan.l.

The next step was the parser. This is a classical case of a recursive decent parser. I did not develop a formal grammar first, since that would have been overkill. The scanner runs line oriented, but does not enforce placement of statements, like "real" assemblers do. To simplify the generation step, I also encoded the argument value in the target format.

Finally the code generator is the part that took the longest to develop. Especially since I had trouble understanding the encoding used for instructions. In retrospect the encoding is obvious, but the way the specification was worded I ran off into the wrong direction. But the moment I could generate a binary equivalent of the example, the assembler was done.

The CPU was most fun to develop. This is the core piece and basically implements the DCPU-16 behavior. You can still see some of the issues I had with the specification in the code. Especially the HARVARD_ARCH reveals that I first went along the path to develop a Harvard architecture first. But after reading some more into the 162 lines of the specification it dawned on me that probably a von Neumann architecture was meant.

Going From Here


As I am writing this I notice that I did not implement the O register. There are probably more things I did not do right, so effort should be invested in validating and proofing the code.

Update: Now I properly implemented the O register.

High Level Language

The next thing that must be done for the DCPU-16 is develop a high level language such and NQC (not quite C), so we can stop the assembly nonsense.


I had somewhat of a coders block on Solid and this was just the thing that the doctor ordered. That you Noch!

I do not know how much time I can and want to devote to d16, since my focus should be on developing Solid. So let's see.