Go! Go! Glow Cubes!



I planed to build a game called GlowCubes about a year ago. It basically spun of while reading this article about Image Space Lighting (deferred shading). The idea is to solve physics based puzzles in a psychedelic environment build from a bunch of glowing shapes.

I basically gave up on most of my projects as I wrote the Hobby or Pro journal entry. It was a big mess (in a very elegant way), since I tried to develop the Quick Game Library at the same time and build in on top of that. I went though different complete redesigns, since the requirements seemed to change and the scope changed.

I planed to build a game called GlowCubes about a year ago. It basically spun of while reading this article about Image Space Lighting (deferred shading). The idea is to solve physics based puzzles in a psychedelic environment build from a bunch of glowing shapes.

Image Space Lighting

I basically gave up on most of my projects as I wrote the Hobby or Pro journal entry. It was a big mess (in a very elegant way), since I tried to develop the Quick Game Library at the same time and build in on top of that. I went though different complete redesigns, since the requirements seemed to change and the scope changed.

After seeing the incredible Imagine 48k demo by TGGC, CodingCat and Hel. (Music by Turri), I kind of decided that I like coding interesting graphic stuff and maybe demo projects might be a good outlet.

Imagine: be awesome

So here is the challenge:

Build a demo (not 48k) based on the idea of GlowCubes from scratch. The deadline for a complete demo is 1st of May.

I will document the project on a daily basis (on days where there is progress) and you can see the code at http://github.com/rioki/GlowCubes