Experimenting with GYP



I am working again on a game project, think solid only better. My development targets are first and foremost Windows, then GNU/Linux and finally Mac OS X. Building portable code is relatively easy, if you stand on the shoulders of giants like libSDL or libuv. In all my code I have only one #ifdef for the location where savegames and the configuration is stored; all else is abstracted by libSDL and libuv.

Keeping the build system portable is a different story. I have been an avid proponent of GCC and its Windows offspring MinGW. I still think they are the superior tool chain. But when third party libraries are involved, it becomes more and more a resource drag. The problem is simple, for Windows you will always get the MSC ("Visual Studio") builds or MSBuild definitions, but seldom one compatible for MinGW. Technically all you need is a Makefile, as you would use for GNU/Linux, but with all the sources and preprocessor flags set for windows and that is rare.

As a result I have started using Visual Studio again. Somehow it makes sense to use the "native" tool chain to build something, than to monkey one from a different platform. Now this creates a new problem, I start to have multiple build definitions to maintain. But why can't I generate the native build definitions from a master build definition? And there comes GYP to the rescue. (No, I am not even going to think about touching CMake.)

GYP is interesting. It was initially developed by the Chromnium developers at Google to solve exactly the problem of keeping multiple build definitions in sync. GYP has spread to other projects, such as V8 and is used by Node for building native addons. GYP is still rough around the edges, but very usable.

Unfortunately the requirements for GYP are quite hefty, you need Python 2.7 and some POSIX tools (on Windows either MinGW's MSYS or Cygwin). On top of that you need Subversion to get GYP itself. But as software developer, these are tools you probably would have lying around anyway. So after you clear all requirements and get the latest version of gyp you are set to go.

The input to gyp are *.gyp files which are JSON. (Actually a python dialect, that allows comments and trailing comments.) The structure is quite simple:

  'variables': {
    # ...
  'includes': [
  'target_defaults': {
    # ...
  'targets': [
      'target_name': 'moo',
        # ...
      'target_name': 'foo',
        # ...

The structure is straight forward, first you have variables, then you include other GYP files for common shared settings, then you defined defaults for all targets and finally you have a list of targets. Any questions so far?

Before we look into how single targets are defined, I want to discuss the project layout. This is something, that took me while to properly nail down. You can define all targets in one single gyp file or distribute the files through your project. The clue is that you don't need to reference them in anyway GYP will recursively scan your folders for gyp files and process them.

So a simple executable will look like so:

  'targets': [
      'target_name': 'kooltool',
      'type': 'executable',
      'dependencies': [
      'defines': [
      'include_dirs': [
      'sources': [

Again this looks very straight forward. We have the kooltool target and it is an executable. It depends on the targets xyzzy and bar. Here is to note, that you can reference a target in this file or from other gyp files. (Here the xyzzy target would have to be defined in this gyp file.) The nice thing about dependencies, is that if the dependency is a library, it will automatically be linked with the current target. Defines, include directories and source explain themselves. You only need to specify the sources to compile and no headers, but I like to see the header files in the IDE.

A library is quite similar, but has a few nifty twists:

  'targets': [
      'target_name': 'bar',
      'type': 'shared_library',
      'dependencies': [
      'defines': [
      'include_dirs': [
      'direct_dependent_settings': {
        'defines': [
        'include_dirs': [
      'export_dependent_settings': [
      'sources': [

Ok so this looks mostly like the executable target. The target types for libraries may be either shared_library or static_library. The GYP documentation states you should use a variable to switch between static and shared libraries, but I have not found any use for that.

The really interesting thing is how settings can be applied to dependent targets. The direct_dependent_settings will be added to any target that depends directly on this target. There is also all_dependent_settings that will apply to all dependents (directly or indirectly), but that may be overkill for most cases. The export_dependent_settings will "pass on" the direct_dependent_settings of a given target as it it where it's own direct_dependent_settings.

So this is all nice and well, but often you need to do different things on different platforms. Like for example, openGL has different library names on each platform.

  'targets': [
      'target_name': 'kooltool',
      'type': 'executable',
      'dependencies': [
      'defines': [
      'include_dirs': [
      'sources': [
      'conditions': [
        ['OS=="linux"', {
          'libraries': [
        ['OS=="win"', {
          'libraries': [
        ['OS=="mac"', {
          'libraries': [

The conditions syntax needs a bit getting used to but is simple to apply. You can use any expression as condition and put any directive to be amended.

This all will bring you actually quite far. It creates some quite generic projects though and you might expect something differently. In the case you are used to the "Debug" and "Release" configurations and your developers will expect it.

Appart from the conditions, there are also configurations and build system specific configurations. This is a good thing to put into a centra .gypi file for use by all .gyp targets/projects. A configuration might look like so:

  'target_defaults': {
    'default_configuration': 'Release',
    'configurations': {
      'Debug': {
        'defines': [ 'DEBUG', '_DEBUG' ],
        'msvs_settings': {
          'VCCLCompilerTool': {
            'RuntimeLibrary': 1, 
          'VCLinkerTool': {
            'LinkTimeCodeGeneration': 1,
            'OptimizeReferences': 2,
            'EnableCOMDATFolding': 2,
            'LinkIncremental': 1,
            'GenerateDebugInformation': 'true',
            'AdditionalLibraryDirectories': [
        'xcode_settings': {
          'OTHER_LDFLAGS': [
      'Release': {
        'defines': [ 'NDEBUG' ],
        'msvs_settings': {
          'VCCLCompilerTool': {
            'RuntimeLibrary': 0,
            'Optimization': 3,
            'FavorSizeOrSpeed': 1,
            'InlineFunctionExpansion': 2,
            'WholeProgramOptimization': 'true',
            'OmitFramePointers': 'true',
            'EnableFunctionLevelLinking': 'true',
            'EnableIntrinsicFunctions': 'true'            
          'VCLinkerTool': {
            'LinkTimeCodeGeneration': 1,
            'OptimizeReferences': 2,
            'EnableCOMDATFolding': 2,
            'LinkIncremental': 1,
            'AdditionalLibraryDirectories': [
        'xcode_settings': {
         'OTHER_LDFLAGS': [

This bit of JSON looks at first daunting, but is very simple once you pick out the bits. The entire block is put into target_defaults, so that it is applied to all targets, obviously. The default_configuration key simply indicates what is the default to use. I use release here, since with open source software more users will build your software and they want a release build, but that setting is debatable. The names of your configurations are fully up to you, but it is sensible to use the somewhat standard 'Release' and 'Debug'. Within these configurations you can basically use any value you would use with in a target clause.

The interesting thing happens in msvs_settings and xcode_settings. These are project settings for Visual Studio and XCode respectively. The msvs_settings are the MSBuild directives you would also find in a vcxproj. So you can just copy your favorite value from the vcxproj that was generated by Visual Studio. The same thing is with xcode_settings for XCode, except that I don't have a clue about that, since I never have seen a Mac from up close in at least a decade.

Here are two useful examples of useful configurations:

As conclusion I can say, gyp is a nice tool if you need to target multiple build environments as it supports make, Visual Studio (2005-2012), XCode, SCons and ninja. GYP is simple to use but requires a certain amount of one time effort to get it to generate exactly the project file as you want it. I for my part ended up not using GYP for my project; for now. I might migrate libxmlmm to GYP though.